Balancing the Chakras

Amy G-money
4 min readApr 13, 2021

I have never been so excited to discover Balancing myself mind, Body, and Soul as I had started doing Yoga Practice over a year and a half ago. I may not always be spot on when doing my Yoga Practice and breath work to calm myself in dealing with Anxiety and the responsibilities of Life, yet it truly has helped me. Yoga helps stretch and relax the muscles, brings me into mindfulness and awareness of my behaviors, stillness, ease, relaxation, helps me develop clarity and creativity, as well as Compassion in my intentions to serve in the World.

So as far as the Chakras, I will go through each of the seven chakras and where I feel I am at in a Balanced way. The Crown chakra is connection to the Universe or ‘higher power’ if you will. My crown is completely balanced in that I feel I am lead by guides (also being formally spiritual). I am also able to relate to others and to give and show compassion for what we go through in our struggles of Life. It also brings me into awareness of being able to Love and serve with great intentions.

My Third eye Chakra helps me be aware of making good and rational decisions. I always pray to have wisdom and knowledge and I also do this by reading and research various articles and book centered around positivity, leadership, behaviors, books on being a success as an entrepreneur. The third eye Chakra helps in really holding true to our values. It is often time in complete Balance and feeds into my energy and motivation to serve with good intentions.

My throat Chakra is often out of alignment. This Chakra is meant for good strong communication skills. I can be a major talk-a-holic, yet often my words may not come out the way I may have practiced and intended. Also, it is important to show compassion towards myself and others big time, in order to have effective communication. In order to have the best effective communication, I have researched and read that it is important to really plan and learn to influence others in a negotiating way. I constantly have to work on not being passive-aggressive just out of fear of not being understood or have someone retaliate to me. I can not allow fear to rule in order to be balanced and be a strong leader. Communicating in a positive effective way is a huge must!

My heart Chakra is partially in Balance. The heart Chakra really shows how we act towards ourselves and others. We must be compassionate and gentle with ourselves as we create and work to make the World a better place for everyone. The heart is sensitive and needs to be treated with care as it is an essential and important organ in our bodies. I often feel like I am too hard on myself and other times I may fail to really take care of myself. I constantly have to remind myself to be there for myself. I am constantly in motion doing some activity and this ALWAYS makes me feel better and happy at the end of the day. I also count everything I am grateful for daily and journal about it.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is major. It is the Chakra that shows our Power to lead, and to show our confidence and courage to accomplish our dreams and goals. I am constantly working on my physical and mental strength to Balance the energy needed for this Chakra. It is a work in progress.

The Sacral Chakra is the chakra that more on the feminine side. It is all about the passions and creativity we have. I call it more of the ‘romantic’ and sensual Chakra. I believe for a lot of people, they are able to create things that really show the dynamics of how far the human mind can expand. We create things that others may not have an open mind to see. The Sacral chakra in my opinion can be connected to the heart chakra when it comes to show our love, compassion, passions towards making the World a better place to live. My Sacral chakra is often on overload.

Last but not least, is the Root Chakra. This chakra for me is harder for me to Balance, which I am not ashamed to admit. It is the Chakra that shows our strength to really root down to be able to take full responsibility for taking care of ourselves in the World. I believe it can be mixed in with trying hard to take care of others before we take care of ourselves. When we don’t take care of ourselves, we can burn out so easily. This Chakra is really about taking care of our financial responsibility as well.

There is no Greater feeling in the World than really taking care of our energies. We must surround ourselves with good people who really have a desire and passion to serve and create a way for all of us to live better in the World. There is an extreme amount of truth in having Balance Body, mind and Soul. I believe we all have a role to really Live a Life worth loving and Yoga, breath work, and Chakra balance are essential to do so.

