Living the Dream

Amy G-money
2 min readApr 4, 2021

So I have another chapter on my Blog that I titled what Living the dream looked like for me, yet that was when I was younger. I am basically going to tell of an experience or experiences and thoughts that I have had this year in 2021.

Recently, while I was working in a place of Business, this gentleman who is a regular customer comes in and shouts out, “Living the dream?” in the form of a question to all of the Barista’s. I almost died, because to me it was partly insulting and partly humorous at the same time. I wanted to ask him what his dream was and was he truly living it, and I also wanted to say, ‘Dude, don’t insult us.” I’m rolling my eyes as I type this. I have had all sorts of dreams and unfortunately have had to Shift. What do I mean by shift? I mean that I had to take a break because I was burning out or I just did not feel like I was pursuing what was really my ‘niche’. I have a Professional Organizing Business at the moment and it isn’t succeeding because I have a couple of other really passionate competitors. I have had two really awesome young women really try to motivate me and give me their energy to keep going and tips on how to be noticed. These women were GREAT and had an enormous amount of drive and energy!

So my next steps are to my writing, and live with discipline to Learn, Research, and expand my knowledge towards my Passions of teaching Yoga and perhaps even try my hand and creativity towards Graphic Design. In any Online or home based Business, it may be difficult to really find Clients. As I stated even with my Organizing Home and Office Business, it hasn’t been easy to find clients as I am just one person. I am not giving up my dream and no one really should. It is a constant to stay persistent. To stay true to my Passions. To stay true to my intentions and to what I truly love. I believe I can! I believe you can too!!! And just as a side note, being in motion will feel uncomfortable and perhaps even painful to your body. If I can do it in order to live out my Dream, you can as well! Anyone can!

